
National Day of Action 'Round the Nation

Here is a list of National Day of Action activities by region. This was current as of last night.

Check out the National Day of Action Facebook page (if you're a member) for updates as well.

Hope to see you in the crowd!


Anonymous said...

In Winnipeg, SCO Grand Indian Chief Shannacappo told the crowd that they need to be leaders. This is straight out of the Free Odjibwe playbook. Last year, the rhethoric was support your elected leaders, now its "you become the leaders." OF course, we'll never get recognition for having influenced the philosophy of the Indian Chiefs, but its still nice to see evidence that we are having an effect on the hearts and minds of the people.
Now if we can only get the Indian Chiefs to stop acting like Indians, and to start acting like what we were before we were forced to become Indian, then we'll get somewhere.

Unknown said...

Here's a video of the rally in Vancouver:

Anonymous said...

My home community has drafted a "Universal Policy Manual." Now this is the kind of action I like to see. Sure, roadblocks and marches are fun, but this is action towards better governance. The only thing that worries me about the leadership of my community is that when I first requested the information last year, I was made to promise that I wouldn't show the information to the administration of any other Indian reserve. This was disturbing because I thought our leaders would want to work together to improve life for all First Nations. Since it is customary in Canada to break promises to Indian Chiefs, if the administration of any Indian reserve in Canada wants a copy of the draft of my community's universal policy manual, just email me at payzhannakut@yahoo.com. If you are sick of Indian reservation status, email me and we can discuss a sovereign and united Anishinabe nation.