
Election Day is October 14th - Your Vote Counts!

October 14th is voting day in Canada's 40th federal election.

In order to assist you in making an informed choice - and to give you a little weekend reading! - the AFN has posted on its website the platforms of all the political parties, the answers each political party provided to our questionnaire on First Nations issues, and analysis of the party responses and platforms. Go here to get all the information.

Also, be aware that identification requirements for voting in the election have changed, and these changes affect First Nations. You can get the info from the AFN website here (and watch an AFN-Elections Canada public service announcement on the changes) as well as here on the Elections Canada website.

Most of all, remember on October 14th: You're First Nations, and your vote counts!


Adam said...

In Canada, election day is the day designated for a general election or a by-election. For Canadian federal elections, the date set for an election must be at least 36 days after the issuance of the election writ.The general election is held in all ridings or electoral districts in Canada at the same time.


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Giihlgiigaa Tsiit Git’anne said...
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Unknown said...

A stronger First Nations, and Canada comes first by cleaning up the First Nations


terrytaurus said...

I stop in from time to time to see whats up ???? I find it hard to believe that this Blog is so still ...Really ! One of the foundations of Turtle Island should be very vocal ...

There is a saying that the squeaky wheel gets the grease and that is a given but a silent wheel is going nowhere .
Suggestion ...Find some very vocal 1st nation people to add some substance and thought . I mean "Election Day is October 14th - Your Vote Counts ...is important but there is a ton of stuff taking place around Turtle Island that needs to be told ...

With the present financial turmoil occurring around the globe I am sure it will have its effects on 1st nations ability to carry on ...What other alternatives for substance are you looking toward to carry you threw ? There is talk of a world currency coming from the G20 meeting that must have effects somewhere down the line .
I am sure that there are many competent 1st nation people's that can input into the discourse ,but silence will not move anybody anywhere ..
Hugo Chavez is one person that is having a very positive effect on indigenous peoples in his part of the world ,And if we look within our own ranks we might just find someone as capable as him ...That would be so welcomed and needed , especially at this point and time in our history ..

terrytaurus said...

Chiefs want Irving land in N.S. preserved ... http://www.cbc.ca/canada/nova-scotia/story/2009/03/31/ns-land-chiefs.html
Now as I try and understand our history and the Euro centric way I find this article ... I was under the assumption that there has never been one acre of land ceded to the crown in the Atlantic provinces ...Could I be wrong ? Could be ! But as I go threw the comments to this article there seems to be a lot of misunderstanding that Knowledgeable 1st Nations people should way into ...

Calum's Day Media Productions said...

The Asinabka National Indigenous Center will support the healing of Indigenous People, the healing of relationships with others, and the healing of relationships with Mother Earth.

It will share with Canada and the rest of the world, the values and Ideology of the Indigenous Peoples.

This Center is a proposed building, fueled by the vision of Grandfather Elder William Commanda of the Algonquin Nation, and further supported by the work of world renowned architect, Douglas Cardinal.

Feel free to drop us a line! "Asinabka Online" can be reached at: